Hashtags for Makers

Social media hashtags are great ways to connect with other crafters and get your handmade items seen on the internet. But if you're not a big social media fan, figuring out the best trending hashtags can be frustrating – and time consuming.

Here is an ultimate list of popular hashtags for crafters and makers. Try mixing and matching some new ones in your next posts and let me know if you've grown your audience!

Cricut Hashtags

#cricutexplore / #cricutexploreair / #cricutexploreair2

Handmade Craft Seller Hashtags


General Crafting Hashtags

#craft / #crafter / #crafting / #crafty
#heattransfervinyl / #htv / #htvvinyl
#makersofinstagram / #makersofig
#svg / #svgcuts / #svgcutfiles / #svgcuttingfiles

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